Installation Configuration
Usage Advanced
Options Trouble Shooting Version
1.5.3 (4 Mar 2000)
- Uses resources for all text. This allows third parties to
easily translate OpenUsing into languages other than English.
If you do, please send me a copy!
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a tiny memory leak (4 bytes per use).
- Fixed a more serious memory leak (hundreds of bytes each
time advanced user dialog was used).
1.5.2 (24 Nov 1999)
- Further enhancements to type sensitive configuration. Please
read Advanced Options section for details.
Bug Fixes:
- separator lines are not inserted as the first or last item
in a menu, and consecutive separator lines are not inserted (thanks
to Remi Zara for bug report).
- special folder "Running Apps" now works with ampersand
suffix (as documented).
- "Add Application" script now works with non-english
versions of MacOS (thanks to Erich Kick & Remi Zara for bug
reports). You will need to replace this script and/or alias manually.
- Fixed a conflict between Kaleidoscope and OpenUsing. The
wrong popup menu was displayed in the advanced user dialog box.
Thanks to Don Geisz for spotting this one!
- Fixed a problem with MacOS 8.1 where some folder aliases
were ignored.
1.5.1 (14 October 1999)
- Configuration now also sensitive to DOS style file name suffixes.
1.5 (9 Sep 1999)
- Added type sensitive configuration feature. Thanks to Joshua
Justice for this suggestion.
1.4 (25 August 1999)
- Added the ability to open files using a running application,
by providing a list of running applications in the OpenUsing
submenu. Thanks to Stefan Witzgall for suggesting this feature.
Please read the Configuration section to see how to activate
this new feature.
- Fixed a bug where separator lines were sometimes not displayed.
Thanks to Martin Muntenbruch for his detailed bug reports.
1.3 (1 July 1999)
New features:
- Added ability to use folder aliases anywhere in the "OpenUsing
Folder". You can even make the "OpenUsing Folder" itself a folder alias. Thanks to Otto Wyss for this suggestion.
- If the name of a folder in the "OpenUsing Folder" ends with an ampersand (&), then the contents of that folder
are loaded into the current menu without creating a submenu.
Try it out, you'll soon see what this means. Thanks to Vincent
Jalby for this suggestion.
- Rewrote some of the menu loading code. Simplified code and
reduced memory usage. This hopefully also addresses a mysterious
error reported by J. Wehking.
- Recompiled with Interfaces & Headers 3.2.
- Only report 'load' error if different to last error. This
only affects errors that are detected when the contextual menu
is populated. Errors resulting from choosing a menu item that
belongs to OpenUsing are always reported. This is to prevent
the same error being reported every time you try to use the contextual
menu. But since the error message appears only once - read it
- Put a relevant description in the code fragment resource.
- Easier to read font for this read me file (Geneva).
- Reinstate version number in advanced user dialog.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug which caused OpenUsing to fail when the icon
selected was that of a server or removable media. Thanks to Alan
Eshelman and Alarik Skarstrom for bug reports.
- No longer displays folders that contain only ignored items.
- Fixed keyboard scrolling problem in advanced user dialog.
- Fixed problem of advanced user dialog not automatically cancelling
1.2 (26 May 1999)
- Added ability to use the plugin with folders and disks.
- Display original file type & creator code in advanced
- No longer attempts to change creator code / file type of
folders / disks.
- Carbon compatibility (unproven).
1.1.1 Final (15 March 1999)
Finally got a copy of MSIE to formally test the plugin.
1.1.1 Beta 1 (30 January 1999)
- a problem found causing contextual menus to fail completely
in MSIE (and potentially other applications) was fixed (hopefully).
- keyboard shortcuts (O, C & B) now work even when caps
lock is active!
1.1 (29 November 1998)
- Simplified operation.
- Dialog box no longer appears by default.
- Vastly improved handling of situations where application
chosen does not recognise the file(s).
- Vastly improved handling and reporting of errors.
- When a bad alias is encountered, offer to select it in Finder.
1.0 (15 November 1998)
Installation Configuration
Usage Advanced
Options Trouble Shooting Version